Our Organ

The current organ in the Nave is a rebuilt 1950 Casavant Frères, Opus 2020, which was acquired by the parish in 2000 from a gift provided by the Joe Barnhart Foundation.  Following the installation of the instrument, several additional ranks were added that complement the instrument and enhance the color and variety of stops available.  During the renovation of the Nave in 2013 and 2014, the Organ was removed from the nave, and was reconstructed to the floorplan of the Chancel in a more visually pleasing way.  This allowed for several additional stops to be added, including a Tuba and a 16’ Open Wood.  A copy of the specifications, including notations of addition and console appointments is available on the church’s website.  Additionally, a generous gift from a former parishioner provided funds for the upkeep and maintenance of the instruments at the Church, including all the repairs and additions to the organ.

In 2010, St Philip’s began the Music in the Nave concert series.  These performances of world renowned organists, pianists, choirs, and vocal performers, are held throughout the year at St. Philip’s under the direction of Organist/Director of Music.